Monday, March 31, 2008

Money Over The Net

It seems that Internet plays an important role for advertisers in order for them to reach their market. It is in the same way Internet is also important to publishers, as well as to opportunities hunter over the Internet. The are great opportunities in the Internet, specially if you are interested in making money online.

looking around the blog gives you information about making money online. PayPerPost is one of them. Just hit it and try to register. If you love surveys, I would do it AW SURVEYS, or start with Google AdSense. But before the rocket takes off, there must be something special on it, of course scientist have already figured it out. It is with the same concept for hunters or bloggers in order to make money online, is that they must have a blog, as it is their essential tool. Start blogging, get your blog now, and start embarking on making money online.

Think First Before Buying Anything

Event Marketing strategies are the schemes used by a marketing analyst , sellers, or retailers, in order to obtain a good and favorable products or services feedback from consumers. As we go to supermarket, department stores, and malls there are always a bargain stuffs. We tend to but it feeling that we got a big savings or an advantage in buying those bargained products.

Let me tell you that, " think first before acting in an impulse of obtaining a product(s) or service(s). As marketers employs tricks in selling their product or services, there are things that you should consider before buying it or before engaging the service of a company.

First thing to consider is, to ask your self if you really need the product or really need thing(s) get repaired. Second, the budget. Third, Time element, and Fourth, Satisfaction.

Along the process of negotiation, marketers do the tricks. Here is some of the tricks used to consumers, to buy things which mostly they don't need is a passing by dealings. The product(s) is expressed in an exaggerated title. It's just like, thinking you got the best, the truth is you got less. Another one is Buy One Take One schemes, or Buy 10 pieces in a great discount. It's like thinking you saved extra money, but the fact is the price is just the same. Another thing is, the limited stock or offer scheme. In such cases, you might feel the urge of buying all the stocks, but the thing is stocks are great as prices would fall next week. In the end you spend more. See the tricks used at Event Marketing

Jollibee Franchise

Jollibee Food Corporation is a leading food corporation in the Philippine. It is well known in terms of its chicken joy. Filipino Children loves Jollibee spaghetti, Jolli toys and the rest of its value meals. As sunday is a worship day, Filipino families won't last the day with out going to jollibee, preferably after going to church.

With a humble beginnings, jollibee catches the real Filipinos taste, and through hard work, innovations and excellent services, it fave the way to the success of the company, and now it has a hundred branches all over the Philippines. It extended it's branches in international scenes, mainly to remedy the homesick syndrome of a Filipino Overseas Workers. It is with the concept of, at Jollibee Overseas Filipinos are just at home.

Since Jollibee captured a special spot in Philippine market, as franchising business is a booming industry in the country. Jollibee corporations opens a new opportunities for Filipinos abroad, of owning a Jollibee franchise. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) all over the world now have a chance to own or co-own big or small franchised businesses, through payment schemes and acquisitions in terms that are very friendly to them.

The concept of owning a jollibee franchise for OFW's is through Cooperative Approach. OFW's puts an investment of $1,000.00 till it reached the required investment capital to obtain the franchise. As a member of a cooperative, security certificate is give to each OFW's. That approach is with the agreement of Jollibee Food Corporation. For further details, just inquire at Jollibee Food Corporation Office.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Time Management - A must.

It is always nice to see things in place or keep the things running smoothly. With so many things to do today with a little time to look, time management is a must. With a hectic schedule, we usually forgot simple things to do, that has a great benefits to our everyday life. That is why, time management plays an important role in this 21st century. A 12 hours round the clock could have accomplished simple and great things, work deadlines, and projects, if it was planned accordingly. Time management has numerous benefit specially in our health as it lessens pressures or tress. We could always accomplished things in their usual time frame if we do time management. As we do it, everything is in place, and according to the rhythm of Mother Earth.

By the way, talking about Mother Earth, do you know about HDPE?

Looking for 2007 BAR TOPNOTCHERS?

Recycling, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Recycled Polymers, HDPE or High Density Polyethylene commonly used plastic, made of petroleum. It is one of a class of plastic resins obtained by polymerizing the gas ethylene. It takes 1.75 kilograms of petroleum (in terms of energy and raw materials) to make one kilogram of HDPE.

HDPE is used commonly for packaging applications, wherein it is intended to avoid containment of C02 or Oxygen. HDPE, due to its high density, is resistant to many solvent. That’s why is has variety of applications. Mostly containers contained HDPE, such as Tupperware, Laundry detergent bottles, Milk jugs, Fuel Tanks for vehicles, plastic chairs, and plastic bags.

Since HPDE is common used now a days, as we used it everyday to safeguard our food, place our items from grocery store, or even to make everything intact, we tend to accumulate plastic bags, containers or bottles that is a HDPE. With so much to deposit of it in our kitchen or backyard we sometimes find it disgusting. Since it is important to keep everything in place, and to save Mother Earth, we need to do proper disposal, or a better way is to recycle it.

There are so many ways to recycle HDPE: (A) Of course, the common thing is re-use it, with proper sanitation; or (B) Sell it to Junk Vendor to earn money.

There are a lot of opportunities for scrap HDPE. A new market opens for Scrap HDPE, Recycled Polymers, around the world, as it is recycled and re-processed. Thus, a money making opportunities since there is a high demand for scrap HPDE. But the great thing about recycling HDPE is saving Mother Earth.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another Way To Make Money is with

Another way of making money online is with It is simply you get paid for viewing websites. The minimum pay out is $10 thru Alertpay. Simple as that. So, sign up, and start getting paid just like me. Ohh, by the way they have also a referral program so as to earn more

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

PayPerPost Paid Me.

You can never go wrong with PayPerPost. As they have promised to their newly registered mewber(s), I received my first payment of $ 20.00, with my first approved post, thru paypal. Amazing, isn't? I made $20.00 from PayPerPost with my simple post. It is fun and just so easy. So guys, why dont you start blogging,registered with PayPerPost, start posting, then get paid for it. So simple. Register now, even if you dont have yet your blog. See the banner at the right side, click it, then you will be prompted to register @ PayPerPost. See you guys...

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I never thought that by just playing online contest I could get paid for it by solving the game with a little pressure on it. How I made it? Well hang on for a minute and I tell you everything you wanna know. Since I am interested in my making money, online just like as much as you do, well I am going to share it to you. But before any thing else, why dont try making money with PayPerPost, just click the banner at the left side and be registered with PayPerPost. If you dont like writing and get paid, but likes playing games or contest online and win cash prizes, I tell you this, just break the vault at or better read my previous post. I've elaborated everything with So start kicking and break the vault. By the way, cash prizes are great...
Dont forget to read my previous post about See you there, breaking the vault...


If you are addicted with puzzles, games or online contest, for a prize, but didn’t know where to find it? Better check this out. Here is the best site where to look for,, and the big thing is that becoming a member is free, and get paid for solving the game. online contests offers free online contests. Members of the site have unlimited chances to attempt to solve each game, the first one to do so will win cash or prizes. The higher the degree of difficulty of the game means the better the cash prize for solving the game, every game has a winner, and every prize is distributed. Isn’t it nice to have fun, and at the same time winning the prizes. So cool, lets do some brain kicking stuff. Lets break the vault to get cash, just register and do the hard work, at

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Make Money With DailyClick

Here is another great site to make money online, and it is DailyClicks. DailyClicks is another opportunity to make money online and it is for free. You won't pay for your membership, except when you up grade your membership, and in such case, up graded members earns more compared to regular members. You earn money with DailyClick by clicking on the link ads they provide. You earn $0.01 per click. The minimum pay out is $10.00 paid thru paypay, or alert pay. You also earn commission from members you refer to the program for life, which is another way to increase your earning. Although it is not easy to to get $10.00, but with patience, as you click everyday, and you refer more member, you can surely have your $10.00 or more. The good thing with DailyClick is it is not a scam, it is legitimate with 86,000 plus members, and it pays well. So sing up now.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Bright Side.

I guess PayPerPost brought new things in my perspective of making money online. Aside from the fact that I was being paid, I also tend to discover new stuffs, sites, informations all the way while I am making my posts. I believe, that is the magic with blogging. Learning, having fun and at the same time making money. Guys, in case you haven't discovered the fun with PayPerPost, try it now, and start making money.

Easter Season Deals with

Hey Guys, in case you haven’t notice the calendar, Easter week is about to come, and is just a few days away. Of course, Easter Bunny would be around. If you haven’t got one or haven’t arranged to get one for you and to your love ones. Don’t worry, a bunch of coupon deals and discount would be a great to help you. Presenting,, it offers you wide arrays of stores to choose from with so much coupons deals and discount to dealt with., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Coupon Chiefs, Inc. The company aims to provide its customers or web site visitors, a one stop coupon deal and discounts. Customers are the paramount consideration in providing them quality services, full customer support, an up to date coupon codes and promotional deals and discounts in uncompromising way to the online shopping e-commerce industry.

Easter week would be the perfect timing to give stuffs or gifts to our love ones., provides you access to its stores to shop online, and helps you find the right piece or stuffs you are looking for. One of it store is the BEST BUY and if you are looking for a digital camera, BEST BUY offers you great discounts. Another great store has is GAP, in case you are looking for clothes. GAp has great offers speacial for women sale items . If you are looking for great coupon offers just check it out at online coupons.

SlashMySearch is a SCAM?

There are a lot of opportunities online that you could make money. If you happen to encounter SlashMySearch on the net, may I just warn you that isn't anymore operational although the program still runs. SlashMySeacrh has gone Beta and it wasn't publish to the general public for reason which I am so sure is that the company that runs SlashMySearch lacks funds or advertisers to support the program. They still accepts anyone to join under the program but the thing is they will never pay you, and don't try to convince your self that you could make money under SlashMySearch. To sum up, SlashMySearch is totally a SCAM... So, don't bother to sign up , as you won't waste you time...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Publicize with BUZZFUSE.

I found another great site that could help me spread my post, blog, pictures or any stuffs that I am proud to show to the whole world. It is for free. And not only that, you could earn money as well. It would really help me in achieving my traffic and at the same time give the chance to earn extra cash. In case you are interested with what I have found, just go over the next post...

Do the Marketing Stuff with BUZZFUSE

Want to increase traffic of your blog, or want to publicize your favorite stuffs, pictures, or your most paid post? Sign up withBUZZFUSE. Buzzfuse , helps you to publicize, and spread your stuffs in viral way, so you are sure that it would certainly reach you target audience. If that’s what your aiming for, then sign up. And the good thing is that, buzzfuse does not only helps you to get the right traffic, you also get extra-cash from the stuffs you post or published, as well as to creations, and as an added bonus, if you have over 30 people in your 'circle' and have registered more than 2 posts withBuzzfuse , you can win one of 1000 premium accounts (value ±$180.00) and earn money for each top-performing post you make. You can't go wrong with, sing up and spread the news to get the bonus.

A sponsored post from

Use Buzzfuse* to easily rate, review, and share this item

Monday, February 25, 2008

Making Money Online

I can’t hardly believe my self that there are a lot of opportunities in life of making money.
When I was a kid I used to sell candies, ice candies, act. etc., to earn extra money. It didn’t came to my mind that internet is one them, as a good source of money. It was only I realized it, when I was hooked up with online games. At college I used to spend my allowance for online games, by that time It didn’t came to me mind that I can make money thru the internet. It was only at the age of 23, I was actively looking for opportunities of making money online. I met a person who thought me everything about making money online. I started with Google Adsense. Then, to Bidvertiser, PPC, reading mails, etc, etc. I’m so thankful with that person. I owe him something. So guys, I’m sharing to you all my knowledge about making money online. I felt like, I was sorry for my self without knowing it, where I could start and earn money thru the internet at early age. At this early try to look for new opportunities of making money online. They are a lot. Just look around. As a good source of informations about making money online I recommend to you to read the next post about PAYPERPOST... It will give you all information you need. And don’t forget to visit the site…

Make Money with PAYPERPOST

Surfing the net, to look for new opportunities to earn extra money? Well, they are lot, and the good thing is that PAYPERPOST is one of them. Let me give you a bird’s eye view about payperpost, though the name speaks for itself. With PayPerPost, you get paid with your post, which talks about, or you blog about the products, services, and even your favorite websites. That isn’t hard to do, and so simple, speacially when you blog things which you love to do, or anything that interests network

To start with PayPerPost, you must have a blog, and of course you need to do the usual thing just like when you are applying for a job. You need to register with PayPerPost. The good thing is that, they have lowered the requirements in accepting blogs. Before, to get you approved and start and get paid with PayPerPost, your blog must be a 90 days old and must have a minimum of 20 post within that period. Now, you just wait for 1 month, to aged your blog, with a minimum of 10 posts. And that’s nice, because you wont wait too long. Aren’t you excited with PayPerPost? So, sign up with PayPerPost.

The coolest things with PayPerPost, are It pays well and there are varieties of offer to blog about. So cool, and you really get a bunch of extra cash by just having fun.

The important things to consider with PayPerPost, is that you must have originality, and be honest, coz it really pays well to be original and honest, even in every aspects of our life. Don’t forget also to read the Terms and Conditions with PayPerPost.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up, post and get paid…

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


GMA-7 now airs the Coffee Prince TV series in the Philippines which is a 2007 hit coming from Korea.

The gist of the show is that, Arthur, the manager of the Coffee Prince, fell in love with one of his employee Andy.

Arthur doesn’t know form the start that Andy is really a girl. Arthur is holding back his feeling towards Andy where the latter according to him is a boy as it is not proper to fall in love with the same sex.

Andy don’t have the nerve to tell the truth as she might be fired by Arthur once he knew that she (Andy) is a girl one, where it is the Policy of the Coffee Shop to accept only male workers.

To fast forward, in the end Arthur knew the whole truth about Andy, where a lovely night had passed between them as the two could not hide any longer their feelings, and they lived happily ever after…

Just like coffee, if not taken with moderation has its down side or adverse effect.

The Disturbing side of Coffee Prince.

The bad side of the story is that, for me, as I think, it is inappropriate for any man or to men to watch it. Unless you have the tendency of what Arthur would be as you watch the show. It is really in appropriate to fall in love with the same sex. Although it is just a story for the sake of entertainment, but it is really inappropriate to any man especially to younger boys out there who happened or might watch the show. They might have the impression that it is okey or normal to love or have a relationship with same sex…

What if Andy was not really a girl?

In the story, Arthur, at some point of the story, accepted that he can’t any longer hide his feeling for Andy and that it seems now he is willing to show his love for Andy, where he knows at that point that Andy is a boy. Waaaahhhh, not good! Arthur would be a gay.

It show or the story impliedly promotes same sex relationship….

At the start of the show I love to watch it. But when I realized that point I have no more plans to patronize watching it. The ending is predictable.

Just think if you are a man, what if Andy was never really a girl. Would you do the same just like Arthur did? Not unless you got the tendency….

If you have a son, don’t let them watch that show…